Farm Schoderer - Farmer

Dairy farm in Germany, 80 cows

"Yes, I would definitely recommend smaXtec, because I am fully convinced by it!" Alexandra Schoderer says. The Schoderer family has been using the system on their farm in Bavaria since April 2020. What has improved since using the smaXtec system?
- Reduced use of antibiotics
- Lower veterinary costs thanks to early detection of diseases
- Fewer stillbirths

The Schoderer family particularly likes the smaXtec calving notifications because in summer the herd has access to pasture around the clock. This makes it difficult to visually check every animal every day. Especially cows that are about to calve were a problem in the past. Now the smaXtec system notifies the farmeres early about imminent calvings. This allows for extensive birth control and fewer stillbirths. "Thanks to smaXtec, we have had no unexpected calvings this summer, for example, where we have to look for calves in the pasture or possibly first find out which cow has calved at all," Alexandra Schoderer describes.
smaXtec supports the Schoderer family not only in calving detection, but also in monitoring the animal's health after birth. If the system notifies them of a reduced temperature, the cow is immediately administered energy or calcium boluses for faster recovery. "Since we started using smaXtec, we have had no more animals suffering from milk fever after birth," the farmer reports.

But the continuous health monitoring of the smaXtec system has also convinced the Schoderer family. "I wouldn't want to do it without the health alerts anymore. They have become very important to us, especially with mastitis cases!" Alexandra Schoderer emphasises. smaXtec detects mastitis at least two milkings before the milking robot. Early detection and the resulting early treatment saves antibiotics and veterinary costs.